Otway Ranges Environment Network



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Otway Forest-Based Tourism

Conservationists welcome $7 million Funding for Otway forest-based tourism Projects

On the 2nd of January 2005, the State Government announced it would provide $7 million in funding for 19 nature based tourism projects in the Otways (See media).

The State governemt forest-based tourism strategy for the Otways can be downloaded from the Department of Sustainability and Environments website. Click here for link.

Little Aire Falls walking track

One of the projects to be funded is the construction of a walking track to Little Aire Falls, a project first propose by Otway Ranges Environment Networ k(OREN) in 2001. (Little Aire Falls is near Triplet Falls).

Since 2000, OREN members have participated in government processes to review and develop forest-based tourism projects in the Otways as an alternative to clearfell logging the forests.

Little Aire Falls is a large and spectacular water fall.

For years conservationists have been actively arguing that the full economic potential of Otway forest-based tourism has not been recognised.

The Little Aire Falls initiative puts an end to the idea that Otway conservationists are just about saving trees and are against development. Link

The huge growth in employment opportunities in the region has clearly been in tourism along the coast. Sustainable forest based tourism is one of the big employment opportunities for the future of the Otways.

It is also important to remember that logging in the extensive Otways plantations will continue to provide employment for people who want to stay in the regional timber industry. See more about plantations.

To find out more about the walk proposed to Little Aire Falls, download "Final Triplet Falls Visitor Management Plan" from the Department of Sustainability and Environments website. Click here for link.

Media from the 2nd January 2005

OREN Press Release

Victoria State Government Press Release

Age Editorial 4th January 2005

Age 3rd January 2005

Herald Sun 3rd January 2005

Background to Otway Forest Based Tourism

Statistics on the Great Ocean Road Toursim Industry.
Statistics on the numbers of tourists in the region and tourism economy.

Scenic and aesthetic qualities of the Otways.
The value of attractive landscapes to the tourism industry is not been fully recognised or protected by the State government.

Geelong Otway Tourism supports clearfell logging
In the past Geelong Otway Tourism accused conserationists of being anti-development while at the same time supported woodchip driven logging in the Otway State forest even though it undermines the local tourism industry.

Otway Forest Management Plan breached
Prescriptions within the Otway Forest Management Plan to protect Otway tourism values have been breached.

In the past only selected tourism sites within the Otways State forest were promoted by Forestry Victoria as tourism destinations. Some of these included:

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