action statement
clearfell logging
method of logging where all vegetation
is destroyed. See more information
cool temperate rainforest
Type of rainforest in cool temperate
areas. See
more information
Area of forest that is planned for
logging; or area that has been logged.
Department of Natural Resources and
Environment: government department responsible for managing publicly
owned "natural resources".
Forestry Victoria
Part of DNRE, responsible for managing
publicly owned forest, including logging within State Forest.
landscape values
Natural Landscapes are large, relatively
undisturbed places where natural processes continue largely unmodified
by human intervention. In the case of the Otways natural landscapes
may include undisturbed catchments or sub-catchment areas.
Land Conservation Council, an expert
land use advisory group which advised government. The LCC is now
defunct, but operated in the 1970's, 1980's and part way through
the 1990's. There has been no other group set up by government to
replace the LCC.
Myrtle Wilt
Disease which infects then kills Myrtle
Beech trees, the main canopy species of Cool Temperate Rainforest.
National Association of Forest Industries.
Group representing logging interests at a national level - includes
woodchip companies and sawmill companies.
Otway Ranges Environment Network. See
more information.
Special Management Zone - Status applied
by Forestry Victoria to areas of forest that they acknowledge have
special values. Logging can still occur within a SMZ.
Special Protection Zone - Status applied
by Forest Victoria to areas of forest that they acknowledge have
special values. Logging cannot occur within SPZ, although the status
of this land can be changed by the Minister for Natural Resources
and Environment. SPZ are not legislated reserves.
State Forest
Publicly owned forest.
State Park
Reserve managed by Parks Victoria for
the State Government
Timber Communities Australia Ltd. A
company representing the logging industry which purports to represent
logging "communities".
Timber Promotion Council. An organisation
which recieves money from logging in Victoria's State Forests (royalties)
to promote logging. TPC is closely associated with VAFI.
Refers to the transition of stopping
logging in Otway native forests.
Timber Towns Victoria. Organisation
which represents the logging industry to local government.
Victoria Association of Forest Industries.
Organisation which represents logging interests at a State level
- includes woodchip companies and sawmill companies.