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Otway Logging Where?
Find out more about the areas
of Otway State Forest that are scheduled to be clearfell logged
over the next three years. Check out our Logging Coupe Database.
(more info)
Myrtle Wilt - A disease promoted by clearfell
logging that threatens Otway Cool Teperate Rainforest
Wilt is a disease which causes Myrtle beech trees to die. Beech
trees are the primary canopy species for Cool Temperate Rainforest.
Although a naturally occurring phenomenon, the presence of Myrtle
Wilt is increased by human disturbance, notably logging.
Geelong Politicians: their stance on the protection of Geelong's
water catchments
In March, the Otway Ranges Environment
Network (OREN) wrote to all elected politicians representing the
wider Geelong Community, seeking a statement of their views and
intended actions in relation to the logging of forested water catchment
in the Otways. (Read
Myrtle Wilt and Logging Practices- Impacts on Cool Temperate Rainforest
in the Otways
Myrtle Wilt is a disease which causes Myrtle beech trees to die.
Beech trees are the primary canopy species for Cool Temperate Rainforest.
Although a naturally occurring phenomenon, the presence of Myrtle
Wilt is increased by human disturbance, notably logging.(Article)
be a Wally with Woodchips. Stills
from video showing felling of forest in the Otways.