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About OREN






What can I do?


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About OREN

What Can I Do?


Otway Ranges Environment Network

Things you can do to help OREN and the environment of the Otways


Things you can do to help the Otway Environment

  • Visit the Otway forests and region and learn about its environment.

  • Write a letter to and/or visit your local politician and express your concerns about the Otways.

  • Write a letter to a local newspaper about an environment issue.

  • Join OREN and support the work we do.

  • Make a donation to OREN

  • Make a submission to government processes and committees. Submissions commenting on the 2001/2002 Wood Utilisation Plans must be made to DNRE by 2nd March 2001. See our WUP summary for details.

  • Come to an OREN camp or day trips and learn about the Otways.

  • Come on a forest protest, have fun, get arrested, blockade or just come and see what gos on.

  • Engage in a environmental restoration projects, such as erosion control, weeding or planting. Contact you local landcare group for information

  • Become aware of a broad range of environmental issues and be responsible for how your actions and life style affects the environment.

  • Purchase environmentally friendly products and avoid purchasing from companies who use timber or pulp from our native forests.

  • Purchase the Otways Ranges Calendar 2001 for all your family and friends. Not only does this calendar contain spectacular images of the Otway forest, but also contains informative information about our current campaigns.

The OREN wish List!

Do you have any of the following items you could spare to help the forest campaign?

If so please post to OREN c/o Apollo Bay Post Office 3233 or ring (03) 52 377 516 to arrange a pick up.

  • First Aid Kits
  • Rope tying
  • Rope climbing
  • Tarps
  • Water containers
  • Lock on equipment
  • Trailer
  • Answering machine
  • Metal Piping of around 3.5 to 4 inches diameter for lock ons.
  • Chains
  • Video cameras
  • Bush Saw
  • Fire Fighting Nap Sack Sprayers
  • Rake Hoes
  • Spray Paint
  • Padlocks
  • Money
  • Time
  • Computer 486-66 or better
  • Scanner for Apollo Bay Office

OREN wishes to thank our supporters for the kind donations in the past of the following pieces of equipment for our campaign.

  • Fresh food for the blockaders
  • One 486 computer and ink jet printer
  • Answering machine
  • Several climbing harnesses
  • A small photo copier
  • Water Containers
  • Rope
  • Office Furniture
  • Scanner (in Melb Office)
  • Old Fire Fighting Overalls
  • A $500 donation to purchase climbing equipment
  • Lock on equipment
  • Metal Pipe
  • Discount First Aid Kit
  • Use of mobile phones
  • Time & Money

Copyright (c) Otway Ranges Environment Network Inc