Kimberly Clark Australia - Kleenex
Kimberly Clark Australia has a licence to take up to 44,000
tonnes of hardwood woodchips from the Otway State forest .
This represents about 40% of all the forest destroyed by clearfell
logging in the Otways each year. Kimberly Clark Australia
requires the hardwood woodchips to manufacture tissue paper
at the Kimberly Clark Australia pulp mills in Millicent, South
Australia (near Mt Gambier, Sth. Australia).
Clearfell logging to supply Kimberly Clark Australia woodchips
is having a devastating effect on the Otway forests and potential
economic growth in the region.
- The tourism potential of the Otways is being deminished by
clearfell logging. The Otway regional economy is already heavily
dependent on tourism . There is great scope for further sustainable
development of tourist opportunities that would benefit both local
and urban communities.
For instance, over 170,000 tourists go to see cool temperate rainforest
at Mait's Rest in the Otway National Park each year . Thirty-three
thousand international tourists drive the great ocean road each
year. These numbers are growing. A report to the Surf Coast Shire
confirms that the tourists contribute $98 million per year to the
Otway local economy (Colac Herald 22/11/1996)
- Clearfell logging is exacerbating and spreading Myrtle Wilt,
a disease that is killing off the remaining stands of cool temperate
rainforest throughout the Otways. Myrtle wilt can be seen on the
trees at Mait's Rest.
- Clearfell logging and dirt covered access roads are polluting
rivers and creeks with mud and silt, killing endangered fish such
as the galaxis and grayling. These fish require clear clean water
for spawning.
- The habitat of the Tiger Quoll, Powerful Owl and Otway Black
Snail is slowly being diminished by clearfell logging. All these
species including the Galaxis and Grayling are listed as vulnerable
and endangered.
Kimberly Clark Australia could find its woodchips from other
sources. The company claims it will begin to harvest its own
plantations by the year 2000 and phase out its requirement for
hardwood woodchips from the Otways . By the time this happens,
the Tiger Quoll, Powerful Owl and Cool Temperate rainforest
will also be phased out by clearfell logging that is occurring
Kleenex uses 10,000's of tonnes of Woodchips per year from
the forests of the Otways and the Victorian Central Highlands
to be made into their paper based products. Avoid Kleenex
products and choose alternatives. Write Kleenex a letter stating
how you feel about the companies and it sourcing its chips
from the native forests of the Otways.
These logs are being chipped in South Australia
at Kleenex
Products To Avoid