Forest Fact File - Rainforests
DCNR Views on Rainforetst in Victoria - from DCNR Facts Sheets
- Cool Temperate Rainforest in Otways, Central Highlands,
Strezelecki Ranges, and Errinundra Plateau.
- Warm Temperate Raindforest - Errinundra Plateau
Some RF in Wilison's Promontory has characteristics of both cool
and warm temperate rainforests.
Status: Quotes "Rainforest in Victoria is an extremely important
botanical and landscape asset and therefore should be conserved
and carefully managed."
"Rainforests are already protected in Victoria, either in
reserves such as national parks or by management prescriptions.
Timber harvesting is excluded.
Major Goals: 1. Conserve Rainforest. 2. maintain genetic diversity
and potential for evolutionary development within rainfirest
ecosystems. 3. increase public appreciation of the value of
Defenition (fact sheet): ecologically as "closed broadleaves
forest vegetation with a more or less contuinues rainforest
tree canopy of variable hieght, and with characteristic composition
of species and life forms.". "Rain forest canopy species are
defined as shade tolerant species which are able to regenerate
below an undisturbed canoopy or in small canopy gaps resulting
from locally recurring minor disturbances, such as isolated
windthrow or lighting strike, which are part of the rainforest
ecosystem. Such species are not dependent on fire for their
Seek more reference on DCE Vic's RF, An Overview. Seddon,
G. (1985) "The Characteristics of RF" Landscape Australia No.1
1985., Monash Rainforest Synposium.....
Reference: "Rainforest" Facts Sheet Department of Conservation
and Natural Resouurces Victoria.
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