Otway Ranges Environment Network



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Slender Tree Ferns

Slender Tree Ferns (Cyathea cunninghamii), are found in deep fern gullies throughout the Otways, often growing within stands of cool temperate rainforest.

Little protection for Slender Tree Ferns

The Slender Tree Fern was given final approval for gazettal into the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (FFG Act) on 30 March 1992.

The final recommendation for gazettal states that fires deliberately started by department forestry officers to regrow trees in areas that have been clearfell logged, are a major threat to the survival of slender tree ferns. See nomination 191.

The FFG Act requires that the management of species listed under the Act is controlled by Action Statements, developed specifically to protect the species. The FFG Act states that these should be developed "as soon as possible" after a species is gazetted.

Slender Tree Fern

The Action Statement for the Slender Tree Fern is now overdue by 10 years, and there are still no prescriptions to protect slender tree ferns from fires.

Slender Tree Fern
Slender Tree Fern

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Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act


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