Logging in the Otways is clearly
- Successive Victorian State
Governments, including the current Bracks’ Government, have expressly
stated that, as a matter of policy, logging in Victoria’s State Forests
must be sawlog driven and that woodchips can only be a by-product of
sawmill-based logging
- Despite this, no criteria
have been established to define when logging is sawlog driven. In this
context, the sawmilling and woodchipping industries, and the Department
of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE), claim that logging is sawlog
driven and conservationists claim that it is not
- This report settles the
matter in relation to the Otway native forests by carefully analysing
three criteria, or benchmarks, which individually and collectively determine
whether it is the woodchipping industry that is driving logging operations
in the Otways, or the sawmilling industry. These benchmarks are:
- Hardwood resource usage
- Departmental (DNRE) Logging
- Financial returns to the
two industries (sawmilling and woodchipping)
Terms used:
Clearfell logging - Logging practice that removes virtually all vegetation
in an area. (Detailed description)
Coupe - An area of
forest that is to be logged, or has been logged.
DNRE - Department
of Natural Resources and Environment
DNRE is the State Government Department that manages publicly owned State
Forest in Victoria.
Residual log - Trees
that are too young, cracked, or bent to be used for sawn timber. These
trees are turned into woodchips.