The Regional Forest Agreement
failed to address
Community Concerns about logging in water supply catchments.
- During the Regional Forest
Agreement (RFA) process for the Otways in 1999, public concern again
made the impact of logging practices in domestic water catchments an
issue. As a consequence, the State and Federal government hosted a hydrology
summit in Geelong on the 1st December 1999. The summit concluded more
hydrology research needed to be conducted in the Otways
- Logging prescriptions specified
in the RFA to protect water yield are exactly the same as the existing
prescriptions in the 1992 Otway Forest Management Plan. The Minister
for Natural Resources and Environment (Sherryl
Garbutt) made misleading assurances
the RFA process would provide domestic water supply catchments with
additional protection from logging practices. A Press Release
dated 31 March 2000 stated,
Garbutt said additional restrictions had been placed on timber harvesting
in the Otways in preparation for a hydrology study into the effects
of logging on water yields and quality in catchments."