Landslides and High Rainfall |
High rainfall events are a major cause of landslides and water degradation associated with logging practices. Despite this, there is little research being conducted. A review of the impact of logging on streams concluded: "The overwhelming majority of sediment transport occurs in streams during periods of high flow, and studies which fail to sample intensively through such events [high rainfall], and analyse the data on an event basis, produce such gross underestimates of sediment load as to be almost worthless. Such studies should no longer be countenanced". (1) p.531. Source: Impact of Timber Harvesting and Production on Streams: a Review; Australian Journal of Marine Freshwater Research, 1989, 40 519-39 SKM CONCLUSIONS "Whilst water quality data for the Otways region are substantial, there is a lack of event-based data, and monitoring dedicated to measuring the impacts of particular land use practices, on water quality. This is particularly the case for monitoring during storm events, where many of the land use-related polluting processes (such as sediment transport) are likely to occur." Source: SKM Impacts of Logging and Water Yield and Quality in the Otway Forests. Page 121. |