Otway Ranges Environment Network



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Forestry Victoria suppresses RSOS reports and maps

Maps that locate Rainforest Sites of Significance(RSOS) in Victoria have ever been publicly released. Maps provided on this web site, provide the public the first opportunity to view the location of RSOS in the Otways.

Critical reports regarding the management of (RSOS) have not been released to the public. A lack of information keeps the public ignorant so logging can continue.

Suppressed Reports include:

  • Timber harvesting within Sites of Significance for rainforest. Flora and Fauna Survey Group, CFL , 1990, David Cameron, unpublished internal memorandum (86/737, 89/794).
    The report nominated 10 proposed RSOS for the Otways and provided advice that no logging should not take place within any RSOS.

  • Guidelines for the assessment of biological significance in Victoria. Flora Branch, 1990 Parkes, (unpublished internal report.)
    This report provides an explanation of assessment and protection methodology for RSOS. See Rainforest in Victoria for a description of suppressed report.

  • Prescriptions governing timber harvesting and related forestry activities within sites of biological significance for rainforest (Special Management Areas), 1993, Conservation Forests Lands, Flora Branch (unpublished internal report).
    This report recommended the best was to protect RSOS was to exclude all logging. See Rainforest in Victoria for a description of suppressed report.


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