A positive outcome of the West RFA was a 38% reduction in licensed sawlog
volumes from the Otway FMA. This was a reduction from 44,000 m3 to 27,000
m3 per annum. Political pressure to reduce logging rates resulted in an
immediate reduction in sawlog quota despite the RFA allowing two years
to reduce logging levels. The hardwood sawmill at Birregurra closed before
the start of the 2000/2001 logging season with no adverse effect to the
See myth logging towns will die if native forest logging in the Otways
stops. Link.
Additionally Environment minister Garbutt announced in a press release
on the 31st March 2000 that the reduction in sawlogs would be matched
with a reduction in the amount of woodchips removed from the Otways. See
media release.
Extract from Garbutt Press release (31/3/00)
For the Otways, woodchip volumes had decreased with licensed levels reduced
from 100,000m3 in the late 1998/1999 to about 70,000m3 per annum by 2000/2001.