Land Conservation Council
Barham Forest recommendations
Proposed Recommendations
Corangamite Study Area
September 1977
E4 Barham forest
(7,860 ha)
(a) Landscape values of forested slopes as viewed from Turtons track should
be maintained.
(b) Turtons track should not be used for access to logging areas or for
the transport of logs.
Final Recommendations
Corangamite Study Area
September 1978
E4 Barham forest
(7,860 ha)
(a) Steep land be protected by management prescriptions drawn up by the
Forests Commission in consolation with the Soil Conservation Authority.
(b) Landscape values of forested slopes as viewed from Turtons Track be
protected and a buffer of suitable width be maintained adjacent to the
track to protect its immediate enviros from possible effects of adjacent
forest operations.
(c) Consideration be given in management of the area to the landscape
values associated with the Wild Dog Spur as viewed from the Wild Dog creek
road and views from the Great Ocean Road between Apollo Bay and Cape Horn.
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Forest Management
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