Rainforest that has been recommended as of 'National Significance'
in the Otway Forest Management Plan, is under threat from clearfell
logging at an area called Ciancio Creek on the Wait-a-While Road
in the Otway State Forest. Logging threatens stands of pure Cool
Temperate Rainforest in nearby gullies and destroy a rare stand
of Otway old growth mountain ash forest.
Cool Temperate Rainforest (left) and
old growth mountain ash (right) near Ciancio Creek
photos of old growth ash forest
A direct action campaign by
conservationists and local residents first stopped clearfell
logging at the Ciancio Creek Coupe on Friday 6th April 2001. Conservationists
were concerned about the lack of adequate buffers between the edge
of the logging operation and stands of Cool Temperate Rainforest
in Ciancio creek. The protest camp lasted for two weeks and forced
the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Minister Garbutt
to halt the logging operation. About a dozen people were arrested.
Photos of direct action at Ciancio
Judge finds logging at
Ciancio Creek to be illegal.
Charges against conservationists dropped
Myrtle Wilt at Ciancio
Minister Garbutt breaks an agreement to prevent Otway forest conflict.
Ciancio Diary (4 -
24 April 2001)
Ciancio Media Releases
Forest at Ciancio that the Government wants to log