Logging at Glasgow Falls in breach of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee
Act 1988
DNRE prepares for unlawful logging near Otways
Cool Temperate Rainforest
Wednesday February 7th 2001
Today the Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN)
has condemned plans by Department of Natural Resources and Environment
to permit unlawful logging near a stand of Cool Temperate Rainforest
near Glasgow Falls (near Lavers Hill) in the Otway State
Forest. Cool Temperate Rainforest is subject to a fungal die back
disease called Myrtle Wilt which is at epidemic levels in the
Otways. This disease kills Myrtle Beech trees which are dominant
in Cool Temperate Rainforest. Logging practices authorised by
DNRE are elevating the levels of Myrtle Wilt throughout the Otways.
Cool Temperate Rainforest is already recognised
as a threatened community under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee
As recently as the 22nd of December
2000, the Minister for Natural Resources and Environment Sherryl
Garbutt, added the threatening process know as Myrtle Wilt to
the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. The threatening processes is
specifically known as "Human Activity which results in artificially
elevated levels of Myrtle Wilt within Nothofagus- dominated Cool
Temperate Rain forest." The Gazettal of the threatening process
now means logging practices that risk any form of damage to rain
forest trees are now illegal. Scientific research in the Otways
shows buffers around Cool Temperate Rainforest should be increased
from 40 metres to 250 - 350 metres.
"The DNRE has a duty to protect all forest
values in the Otways. We understand that the Department has a
contractual obligations to supply sawlogs to sawmills but they
must also comply to provisions set out in the Flora and Fauna
Guarantee Act to protect endangered species.", said spokesperson
for OREN, Simon Birrell. "The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act
requires prescriptions in the form of an Action Statement to be
done ‘as soon as possible’ (see Section 19 FFG Act). The
Action Statement will set out prescriptions to protect rainforest
from logging practices that elevate myrtle wilt. DNRE must not
allow logging near the rainforest until such prescriptions are
"A group of conservationists and local residents
plan to go to the Glasgow falls coup on Monday to inspect the
rain forest. OREN will request DNRE Forestry and Flora and Fauna
officers to be present for the rainforest inspection."
"Myrtle Wilt has implications for the whole
Otways. Localised infection caused by logging practices can elevate
the probability of infection across the whole Otway landscape
due to the air dispersal nature of the Myrtle Wilt fungus."
"This has implications for rainforest in the
Otway National Park. The Cool Temperate Rainforest at Maits Rest
in the Otway National Park has significant economic value to the
local tourism industry as it receives hundreds of thousands of
domestic and international tourists every year who drive along
the Great Ocean Road. Tourism Victoria has stated that the Great
Ocean Road is worth one billion dollars a year in tourism expenditure"
The Myrtle Wilt Gazette can be found at www.gazette.vic.gov.au
G51, 21 December 2000,
Page 3017-3019. Copies of the Myrtle Wilt Nomination
453 an be obtained from Martin O'Brien from Flora and Fauna on
9412 4567