Less water is produced from
a forest which is clearfell logged over an 80 year rotation.
- In April 1998 the Co-operative
Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology (CRCCH) published the results
of a five year analysis of water yields in Mountain Ash forest catchments*.
The study concluded that old growth Mountain Ash forests have almost
twice the water yield of young regrowth forests resulting from clearfelling
or wildfire regeneration.
- CRCCH concluded:
- old forests have a lower
overall transpiration rate
- old forests intercept
less rain
- old forests have lower
soil evaporation rates
- At a water forum conducted
in Geelong on December 1, 1999, CRCCH scientists stated that the most
recent research suggested similar water yield losses in mixed-species
‘Predicting Water
Yields From Mountain Ash Forest Catchments’ Industry Report of the
Co-operative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, April 1998.