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Dear Elected Representative,

On behalf of the wider Geelong community, we are writing to seek from you a statement of your views and intended actions in relation to the logging of forested water catchments in the Otways.

Logging in Otway catchments is depriving Geelong and surrounding districts of valuable water, as shown in an independent report by consultants Sinclair Knight Merz, recently commissioned by the Bracks Government. Young regrowth trees in areas that have been clearfell logged will consume much more water than mature old growth forest. The research concluded that the flow of drinking water from the West Barwon Dam, which supplies Geelong with water, would increase by at least 10% if logging stopped in the Otway State forest. The water lost through logging could supply an additional 10,000 people for our children's and grandchildren's generations.

Over the past 25 years, 10% (5 square kilometres) of the West Barwon catchment water supply catchment has been clearfell logged. This logging is now depriving Geelong of water. Under the Regional Forest Agreement signed last year by Environment Minister Garbutt, the rate of logging in the West Barwon catchment will increase. A further 10% (another 5 square kilometres) of the West Barwon catchment will be woodchipped over the next decade. Geelong's key water catchments are being heavily logged now.

A report by the Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN) summarises the Sinclair Knight Merz research (see The OREN report demonstrates that:
¨ the cost of water loss through clearfell logging is borne by the 300,000 people of South West Victoria who depend on the Otway forests for their water supply, whilst the benefits of woodchips and hardwood timber accrues to a few small private companies employing, in total, less than 120 people (less than one percent of the regional workforce).
¨ based on conservative assumptions, the economic value of the water lost through logging is substantially greater than the value of woodchips and timber harvested;

A second OREN report (see clearly demonstrates that nearly 90% of the Otway Native forest that is clearfell logged each year is classed by the Government as "residual" (Waste Wood). Nearly all this waste wood is woodchipped. The practice of woodchipping native forest, breaches official State Government policy for logging to be directed towards the supply of sawn timber ("sawlog-driven").

Given the above facts, and continuing water shortages in the region, we are seeking your active support for an immediate end to logging in all Otway water catchments. We would appreciate receiving a written statement of your views and proposed actions by Friday March 30th. To assist the community to make informed judgements, your response will be published in full on the OREN web site and, in summary form, in the Geelong Independent newspaper.

Please contact the undersigned if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely

Simon Birrell
Otway Ranges Environment Network.